26.4. Yable Juicy example

Relevant to Blender v2.31

Figure 26-17. Caustics setup.

What you see in (Figure 26-17) is a completely ic image realized by Xavier 'richie' Ligey, modelled with Blender and rendered with YafRay. The export has been made with Yable. There is no light at all in the scene, only a Hemi Light with an HDRI background. Xavier has been so kind as to give us the screenshots of the settings he has used in Yable.

Figure 26-18 shows the car paint, Figure 26-19 shows the chrome material and Figure 26-20 shows the glass material.

Figure 26-18. Car Paint.

Figure 26-19. Chrome parts.

Figure 26-20. Windshield and other glasses.

A special thank to Alessandro Braccili, who helped me in Yable/YafRay understanding, and in the writing of this chapter.